Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Adheres to Semantic Versioning.

3.X Releases

2.X Releases


Released on 2019-11-07.


- Forced logged out mechanism upon inconsistent user status with Backend.
- Richer logging feedback when correct AppTheme is not being applied.
- Removed onRegistration callback parameter from showSignupDialog() method.


- Migrated internal distribution system to AppCenter via bash scripts on CircleCI.
- Bumped to Gradle version 5.6.3.
- Improved lottie drawables on Hearing Grades card.
- Updated to latest state of strings.


- Fixed different bugs related with thread concurrency and the user refresh method upon sign up.
- Bug crashing the app upon return from openEmail action.
- Themed WarningHelper SnackBar appropriately.


Released on 2019-10-07.


- Created Mimi Hearing Test Fragment variant, along with all needed classes and view models.
- Major refactor operations to reduce visibility of several exposed methods.
- Added Lottie Drawables support.
- Added debug option on sample app to mimic processing invalidation.
- Added debug option to log in with test Mimi accounts.
- Added new AHT theme on Profile sample app.
- Added new specific Theming for AHT app
- Added openEmail util method.
- Added links to ToU and PP on sign up screens.
- Added new broadcast notification events to inform about the current progress of the HT.


- Improved custom documentation and moved it to guide folder.
- Improved inline documentation of methods and classes.
- Improved substantially the Processing module. Refactored the ProcessingParameter class as well as processingHandler listeners.
- Bumped Profile and HTE modules to latest versions.
- Pulled Phraseapp strings.
- Refactored ProcessingControllerListener to only inform UI observers about handler processing invalidation, parameter updates and failed get/set calls.
- Reshaped ProcessingParameters class to implement Readable and/or Writable interfaces depending on the type of processing parameter.
- Moved Throttler class to UX
- Bumped HTE Wrapper version to 2.0.0.
- Removed LuaScriptManager class.


- Removed deprecated getFittingRule method.


Released on 2019-08-20.

- Added new Signup functionality, delivered via BottomSheetDialogFragments.
- Improved significantly InterruptionsManager on Testflow module, covering many edge cases like handle incoming calls, smoother transitions between interruptions and vector drawable assets.
- Refurbished and added old and new styling Themes.
- Added legal disclaimer dialog on Profile.
- Fixed UI bugs on header, device back navigation.
- Updated string copies.
- Updated dependencies.


Released on 2019-07-25.

- Top-align onboarding cards.
- Tweaked theming.
- Updated dependencies.


Released on 2019-07-01.

- Fixed HT bug not uploading correctly tests.
- Improved look & feel of Profile Header.
- Fixed bugs not showing updated User info on Profile cards.


Released on 2019-06-24.

- Introduced new Profile V2 layouts.
- Strings and UI improved on TestFlow as well as HTE bug fixing.
- Added licenses on each submodule.


Released on 2019-06-11.

- Updated release and versioning processes.
- Added translations from Phraseapp.
- Android X migration.
- Added Mimi logo on login screens.
- Fixed bug with Android 7 with TLS cipher.
- Moved utils method from Testflow to UX module.
- General Bug fixing.


Hotfix version Released on 2019-05-29.

- Hotfix version release built with version 0.7.1 from both Core and Profile modules. Main changes being:
    * Bug fixing affecting authentication interception and proper management of token refreshment
    * Automated clearing and handing of presets upon processing activation/deactivation
    * Closing correctly http requests on unauthenticated responses
    * Fixed bug with processing racing conditions


Released on 2019-05-24.

- Added merge anonymous into logged in user mechanism.
- Added force update feature.
- Updated latest state of Phraseapp strings.
- Improved activity indicator animations.
- Fixed error banners on login and password reset screens.
- Diverse visual and behavioral bug fixing.


Released on 2019-04-30.

- Hooked up UI components with internal processing logic.
- Improved theming and flow navigation.
- Moved HTE module to a separated github project.
- Added change environment feature for dev purposes.
- Refactoring and general bug fixes.


Released on 2019-04-02.

- Features & fixes.


Released on 2019-02-??.

- Initial release.
© 2023 Mimi Hearing Technologies GmbH