

To debug SDK functionality you might want to enable logging. The SDK provides extensive logging if enabled.

Example how to enable logging upon application start.

import io.mimi.sdk.core.util.Log

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        Log.enabled = true

Code minification

If you are planning to minify and obfuscate your app code that integrates our SDK, you will need to add these lines to your preferred proguard-rules file in addition to any other rules that might be already in place:

################ Mimi SDK specific rules ################
-keep class io.mimi.sdk.core.model.** { *; }      
-keep class io.mimi.sdk.core.api.users.** { *; } 
-keep class io.mimi.hte.HTENativeWrapper { *; }   
-keep public enum io.mimi.hte.** { *; }          
-keep class * extends io.mimi.sdk.ux.flow.view.Section { <init>(*); } # Keeping all classes extending Section class due to reflection issues with Proguard/R8

################ Kotlin specific rules ################
-keep class kotlin.Metadata { *; }
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